二手TDP0500差分探头|高价回收|现货租赁 高速串行标准中使用的差分信令要求非常精确的检测。泰克差分探头能够提供业界良好的带宽和信号保真度,可确保您能洞察每一个细节。我们的 TriMode? 架构 使您可以从一个DUT连接点上完成差分、单端和共模测量,进而简化测量数据的收集、 差分探头| TDP0500差分探头| TDP0500差分探头| TDP0500 黄S:(同微);肖晓:(同微) 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇美华中心703 公司:东莞市亿测电子有限公司 Features & Benefits Outstanding Electrical Performance 1 GHz and 500 MHz Probe Bandwidth 18 dB CMRR (at 250 MHz 50X attenuation) Selectable Bandwidth-limiting Filters DC Reject Versatile DUT Connectivity Small Compact Probe Head for Probing Small Geometry Circuit Elements Straight Pin, Square Pin, Solder Down, Variable Pitch Standard Accessories Robust Design for Reliability Easy to Use Provides Automatic Units Scaling and Readout on the Oscilloscope Display TDP1000, TDP0500 Connect Directly to Oscilloscopes with the TekVPI? Probe Interface Easy Access to Scope-displayed Probe Menu for Probe Setup Control and Operating Status Information